Healthy Pet, healthy family

Let’s explore the importance of maintaining pets in a good health and how it can impact the well-being of all family.


As a pet owner, we value the companionship and joy that our furry friends bring into our lives. But owning a pet is not just fun and games. Owning a pet also means that you have to do your best to keep the pet healthy.  Of course it’s important for the wellbeing of our pet, but It’s crucial to recognize that our pet’s health and well-being play a significant role in the overall safety of our families. Let’s explore the importance of maintaining pets in a good health and how it can impact the well-being of all family.

You have probably already heard the word zoonosis; this word represents diseases that are known to be transmitted from animals to humans (zoonotic diseases). Although this seams scary, there are very simple measures that we can take to make sure we are all on the safe side of the story. Regular visits to the veterinarian are essential to evaluate the risks and implement the appropriate preventive health measures. 

One important measure is regular vaccination, your veterinarian will draw a specific vaccination protocol adapted to your pet specie, lifestyle, and the geographic place you live or places you might visit with your pet. Vaccination will not only protect your pet against important infectious diseases that can be caused by microorganisms, like virus and bacteria’s, that the pet may be exposed to, but it will also avoid that your pet gets some zoonotic diseases that are preventable by vaccination, protecting your pet and the entire family against these diseases.

The health of our pet can also be challenged by other small living beings that live at the expense of our pets. These small living beings are called parasites and can live outside the pet’s body – external parasites – or inside the body – internal parasites.

Among the external parasites, the ones that most commonly affect dogs and cats are the famous fleas and ticks! 

Ticks can affect pets by ingesting their blood. While feeding on blood, these parasites can irritate the skin of our pet and can transmit diseases, such as Lyme Disease. With the current climatic conditions, it’s not surprising that these parasites can attach themselves to the skin of our pets at any time of the year. Don’t let these little creatures bother your pet by keeping them protected all year round.

Fleas are small wingless insects that jump to reach their “target”. Only adult fleas live on the host, the remaining life stages of the flea (eggs and larvae) live in the environment, representing around 95% of the flea population. Fleas love que create their family in the perfect environment of a heated house, so if they get a ride from the pet or even us to our houses, they will probably find the perfect conditions to create their family and start an infestation. When we want to get rid of these little parasites, it’s important to choose a product that will help us fight the adult fleas that directly affect our pets and keep them protected when the flea eggs turn into adult parasites or, better still, bet on annual prevention so that one or more flea families don’t settle in our house!

Internal parasites represent another challenge, as in most cases they are not visible and may not cause symptoms, at least at an early stage. There are several internal parasites to consider, such as Toxocara, a parasite that can affect dogs, cats and humans, and which is responsible for the contamination of the environment with its eggs. It’s up to us, pet owners, to reduce environmental contamination by keeping our pets up to date on their internal deworming protocol, and by picking up the feces they leave on the street. Remember that this small steps will not only keep your pet healthier but will also prevent that other pets and humans, specially young children, get infested by these parasites.

Be aware that parasite risk differs from country to country and in some countries, there might be different risks in different regions, so talk to your veterinarian and find out what is the best solution to keep your pet away from these fearsome enemies!

Ensuring the health and well-being of our pets is vital for the safety and happiness of our families. By prioritizing regular veterinary care, proper hygiene practices, and a balanced lifestyle for our pets, we reduce the risk of zoonotic diseases, allergies, accidents, and behavioral issues. Moreover, it strengthens the bond we share with our beloved companions, creating a joyful and harmonious environment for everyone. Let’s take proactive steps to elevate the importance of pet health and enhance the well-being of our families.

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